Astrophotography as Photographic art - the UK Royal Photographic Society (RPS) Fine Art Astrophotography · maxchess · ... · 7 · 240 · 0

maxchess 2.61
The Royal Photographic Society(RPS) of the UK awards "Distinctions" to recognize work of a high quality. It covers all genres and I would recommend this path to those trying to broaden the appeal of their work. In the list of awards, Astrophotography is rare. I was fortunate enough to be awarded my Associate (ARPS) distinction for an Astrophotography  “Photo-book” titled “Deep Sky Wonders – Images from Beyond the Solar System”. The book contained 22 images. You can see extracts here:

If you are interested in developing your Astrophotography as an art form I would recommend investigating this path.
GWLopez 19.68
·  1 like
First, congratulations on the recognition of your of your Deep Sky Wonders - Images from Beyond the Solar System photo book. And thank you for forging a path for astrophotography in the RPS awards. I will certainly consider participating in this event in the future.

CS, Gary
Andys_Astropix 11.25
·  1 like
Congratulations on your achievement and lovely presentation! 
julianr 0.00
·  1 like
Well done on your award

Moorefam 3.58
Well done on the ARPS. I spent a lot of time and effort on an APRS but failed. However I may try again as an astrophotographer. Did they look closely at composition and how your sequence of images fitted together? I wonder who they have qualified in our particular field and what they are looking for? Did you get useful guidance and help along the way? I sent my images off for guidance and it proved helpful but too optimistic.
maxchess 2.61
I submitted as a book and the sequence told a story. I got guidance too, which was optimistic but I submitted first to the "PhotoBook" Genre and failed. They said the content was too "documentary" in nature. On the way, I did get some improvement suggestions. I then submitted it as a "Book" to the 'Applied and Portraiture’ Genre (Now just Applied). I had made improvements to the images and layout but the book was substantially the same. It sailed through. Lots of positive comments. 
As you know you get to see the assessment via Zoom. The judges did not have any specialist knowledge of Astrophotography, although some clearly understood the degree of difficulty involved.  The comments were all about quality, colour, and impact.  So my advice if submitting for ARPS is to understand the perspective of the Genre and for the Applied genre think about how you might select photos for a colour magazine. I boosted the saturation and contrast, meticulously eliminated blemishes, artifacts etc, and paid attention to framing.  

Best of luck, Max
Moorefam 3.58
·  1 like
Thanks for the advice. My impression of them is that they have a particular style in mind and are quite rigid about it so you need to know what they want. Also about a book, if they do not like 1 image then one has the expense of a new book or rather 2 as they want 2. You didn't say anything about how the images fitted as a sequence, something they are very fussy about with landscapes. They view 15 one after the other and they must blend very well. For example I was wondering how they would view some narrowband in the mix? If the sudden change in colours happened in landscape images then they would probably be most unhappy. I am a little wary as I spent hundreds of hrs on my work and got demolished in 10 minutes at their HQ in Bristol.
maxchess 2.61
The only thing you can do is put a collection of images together and book an RPS one2One.  As far as having one narrowband, I don't think that would be a problem in itself. However, the collection does need to be coherent and balanced.  You could also book a viewing of an ARPS assessment session for your genre to get an idea of how different portfolios are viewed. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
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