Mouseover instructions Edit with Mouseover · Ed Litoborski · ... · 5 · 153 · 0

Edski 2.81
Where can I find instructions on how to use mouseover?
astrodad1954 3.31
·  1 like
It is tricky but here are the instructions:

The critical thing is the hover image has to be the exact same pixel size as the default 

Once you upload the hover image (it is not the default) you go to Settings and click on the drop down and select your revision image as the hover.


Rigoldi 2.11
I use this feature when the object is small, so it can be viewed on a larger scale when hovering over the image.

The instructions are the ones @Marc Whitsett  posted, but there's a detail that needs to be taken into consideration: the images need to have the same size.

To achieve this in PixInsight, I use the crop tool to highlight the interesting part of the image. But before using the crop tool, I note down the size of the original posted image.

After using the crop tool, I employ the resample tool to make the new image the same size as the original image.

Once done, I post it as a new revision. Now, with the same size as the original image, I follow @Marc Whitsett  instructions to set the image from the new revision as the mouse hover image.
CCDnOES 5.61
Eduardo Rigoldi Fernandes:
I use this feature when the object is small, so it can be viewed on a larger scale when hovering over the image.

Exactly what I do, it is great for planetary nebulae, which I have done a lot of recently. Sure, you can do that by clicking thru to the full scale image but that takes time and many, if not most, viewers don't want to bother. It is a shame to let all of one's hard work producing great detail to go un-noticed. It is also a shame to miss out on the larger scale image that can show nearby objects and give a sense of context. This allows the best of both.
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There is also another consideration to get it to work.  The image that is the target of the mouseover also has to be listed as "Original" under the Revisions panel.  Not a problem if your mouseover image is pointing to the first image you uploaded.  If however you revise the original and call another revision the primary image (whatever that is called, but the one that is seen on the home page of your image), it will break the mouseover effect, even if the new revision is the same size.  In order to fix that problem, of the case where you want the mouseover to work with the new revision, you will have to delete all the images after adding the new revision.  That will then promote the latest image to original (regardless of the letter revision is assigned to it) and then add the mouseover image, along with any prior images or revisions you might have had.  

To me the above problem I just highlighted is something I wish AB would correct.  The problem comes from the fact that the mouseover only works by mouseovering the "Original" image.  If you do later revisions that are the ones on the image's home page, then the "Original" image is demoted, but still holds the "Original" moniker.  The next latest revision is assigned a letter but not designated "Original" and the "Original" image falls down the list and is never seen in a home page setting, therefore no mouseover anymore!  AB should rather always assign the mouseover to the top displayed revision.

I have made changes to image entries, where I have added revisions and broke the mouseover effect.  I have also added mouseover effects to an old entry and because the "Original" image was updated with multiple revisions, I have had to rejigger the whole page just to get the mouseover to work.  A real pain.

Edited ...
astrodad1954 3.31
·  1 like

My original post above I said, "It is tricky but here are the instructions:   "

What Alan outlined just the trick. It can get confusing.

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