Back on this amazing platform. Anything goes · Tam Rich · ... · 6 · 310 · 0

TamRich1874 6.68
Hi All.
I would like to apologise for not being on this fantastic platform  over the past 18 weeks.
The reason why My daughter Moya collapsed and was in intensive care for two weeks getting blood transfusions, she had problems with her kidneys and liver and is now on the mend.
She finally got out on Monday after 18 weeks in hospital and is now staying with us for the foreseeable future until she makes a full recovery.
Later today we are going to Whitby for fish and chips, then tonight (clear skies) some imaging.
I hope to catch up with everyone in the next couple of days.

Once again thank you all for your support means a lot to myself and family.
Last of all a huge thank you to all the amazing staff  in the NHS who helped Moya.
macmade 0.90
Glad your daughter is recovering! 💙
Welcome back!
Christophorus 10.06
Very nice to have you back here and that your daughter recovers well Tam.😉
Roy-Hagen 10.10
Glad to see that your daughter is on the way to recovery and to see you back on Astrobin😀
I wish you both all the best😀

ruccdu 2.71

Very glad to have you back and best wishes for your daughter's swift recovery.

carbonstar 0.90
My goodness - very glad to hear she's on the mend and welcome back.
AC1000 0.90
Hi Tam,
glad you are back here on AB and all the best to your daughter´s complete recovery!
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