NGC 6726, etc Fine Art Astrophotography · Alex Woronow · ... · 4 · 143 · 1

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This is an interpretation of the image posted here, done in Studio2. To quote the Topaz folks, "Topaz Studio is a artistic expression studio." And so it is.
GWLopez 19.68
Very cool, Alex. This rendition is dark, moody, and foreboding. I particularly like that area that sweep across the top half of the image that looks like a smear of laminar flow. That said, for my tastes, I prefer your original version of this image. The colors work for me and it has great contrast emphasizing the depth of the structures. I guess I'm a bit of a contrast junky. Can you talk a bit about what you were seeing when you created the artistic version of this image?
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Thanks Gary. Any help down this path is appreciated. Coming at this imaging with a science background, trying to generate art will be an arduous learning curve, but something that is enjoyable and becoming rewarding.

At this point of warping reality, I do a great deal of experimenting to find something I like. Most of my efforts explore the AI field of "Style Transfer" and methods that produce results akin to that.  I'm still trying to be able to forecast what image may work...and what ones will not. Like I said, exploring.
GWLopez 19.68
Alex Woronow:
At this point of warping reality, I do a great deal of experimenting to find something I like. Most of my efforts explore the AI field of "Style Transfer" and methods that produce results akin to that.  I'm still trying to be able to forecast what image may work…and what ones will not. Like I said, exploring.

I think that you are doing what all artist do, they experiment. There are techniques that you use again and again because they "worked" in the past, but rare is the artist that can predict what will work and not work. As for making art, I think that it is art if it "works" for you. What I mean, the image you created elicit an emotion or memory. Great art is a piece that has that affect on many people. I'd say trust your instincts. Show your work to your family and friends and ask what they see and feel.
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Thanks, Gary. I will persist because the creative challenge of image processing simply gets amplified by the challenge of manipulating an image to an alternative ends.
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