Using Hubble data Fine Art Astrophotography · Glenn C Newell · ... · 1 · 105 · 0

dts350z 0.00
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I answered my question with google but thought I would post here for reference:

  • Q: I am an artist and I have produced artwork based on Hubble images. Can I sell my artwork for my profit?[/*]
  • A: Yes, artwork you produced based on Hubble images may be sold for your own profit as long as you credit clearly and visibly.[/*]

That page also describes the specifics of "credit clearly and visibly".

I assume other space or terrestrial observatory data sources would have to be handled on a case by case bases.
GWLopez 19.68
I am guessing, Glenn, that any data acquired that relied, at least partially, on federal funding (e.g., NSF grant) would be in the public domain. Given the complexity and flexibility of processing, everyones interpretation of the data I believe can  be copyrighted (not sure about this, but I have seen images using Hubble data with the copyright of the processor). In other words, there are probably other public domain data collections that can be the bases of your salable art.  I am not an IP lawyer, so please do not rely upon this opinion.

CS, Gary
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