OAG vs. Guidescope Multiscope Setup · Kyle Pickett · ... · 1 · 70 · 0

kwpickett 1.20
I am setting up my dual scope rig, and I have a question about OAG vs. using a guide scope.  I am using two WO refractors - Z73 and GT71, so the focal length is pretty short.  I have been using OAG exclusively this past year.  I read Sara Wager's article, and I understand the issue of guiding going off during refocusing, but unlike my SCT, the focusing on these refractors is very stable, and it doesn't have to happen very often.  

Does anyone have any thoughts about OAG vs. guidescope?  I have seen people doing both.

Reg_00 8.83
Doesn't really matter in wide field, use whichever you prefer. I personally use guide scope on my tandem rigs but if you already have an oag in your image train and it works you have nothing to gain by switching.
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