CEM70 MAINBOARD PROBLEM IOptron CEM · Reza Mohammadi · ... · 1 · 75 · 0

rezamohammadij 0.00
Recently i bought an ioptron cem70. for several nights i used it. but last night during working and slewing some times could not slew. so i switch it off. after 1 minute I brought it to zero position manually, then i switched on, but power button could not illuminated and the hand controller turned on and just show ioptron logo. and then after few seconds this message came up: "Connection error detected in following board(s): Main Board".
ioptron advised me to check power source, HC cable and sockets, etc. finally I should send HC and main-board to the ioptron office to checking and repairing.
It will be free of charge except S&H if the mount is under 2 year warranty.
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DrJimSok 0.00
Well that's a bummer... I have a CEM 70G and sometimes the Guide camera won't connect to my NINA thingy.... so I have to open up the back of the camera, unplug the USB which requires a pair of pliers and plug it back in... but other than that, my mount has been great...
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