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NGC 1499, Omer Baram

NGC 1499

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NGC 1499, Omer Baram

NGC 1499



Acquisition details



NGC 1499 the California nebula in the constellation Perseus

The California nebula is an emission nebula, located approximately 1000 light years away from earth and it gets its name from  the resemblance to the state of California.

The nearby star, Menkib, causes the nebula to glow, which results in an almost 3D look.

This image is composed of nearly 9 hours of exposure time, spread over 4 different nights (actually started shooting this nebula a few months ago)

I am very happy with how this picture ended up, and I would love to hear your thoughts!

Technical details: 

Mount: SkyWatcher EQM 35 Pro
Scope: TS Optics 80mm
Camera: Full spectrum modded Nikon D3400
Guide camera: ASI120MM mini
Guide scope: Svbony 60mm 
Filter: Optolong L-enhance
Total integration time: 8 hours
Stacked in DSS, Edited in Pixinsight and Photoshop 2022.

70×450s subs
The moon was almost 30% bright




NGC 1499, Omer Baram

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DSLR narrowband