Image of the day 09/29/2023

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The Cocoon | Exploring the Dust and Ha Emission Surrounding an Old Favorite, Kevin Morefield

The Cocoon | Exploring the Dust and Ha Emission Surrounding an Old Favorite

Image of the day 09/29/2023

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The Cocoon | Exploring the Dust and Ha Emission Surrounding an Old Favorite, Kevin Morefield

The Cocoon | Exploring the Dust and Ha Emission Surrounding an Old Favorite



Acquisition details



The first image I felt I got right was a long FL view of the Cocoon back in 2017 .   But back then we didn't see images of these wonderful dust clouds nor did we see the background Ha field.  Checking the TPs and IOTDs, it was later in 2018 that @Marcel Drechsler published this amazing version showing us the dust and Ha.    Then in late 2022 @Stefan "Harry" Thrun publishes this beauty   Now with the new BlurX and star removal tools, it's possible to really bring out the most of these faint structures!  

To be sure there was enough data to do this object justice, @curtistsai and I collaborated on data collection.   We spent about a week camping at a Bortle 2 dark site (Goldendale Sky Village) and between dark site trips I shot over 30 hours of Ha from my Bortle 7 backyard in Portland.  The sub count reached 1126.  Curtis used an Officina Stellare RH200 at f2.4 to capture almost all of the RGB and a good bit of the Ha.  I used my F5 FSQ106 mostly for the Luminance and Ha.  Subs were registered together and with so many subs image scale differences were not an issue.  The RH200 is a real "dust bucket"; doing a great job of going deep.  The FSQ had a flatter field and sharper details so we decided to get the luminance with that scope.  The collaboration was successful as neither of us could have gotten this image on our own.  

Processing all of those full frame subs was not quick.  Running the WBPP job on a machine with a PI score of 30,000 took almost 8 hours.  The final project took up 731 gbs on the drive.  After testing using a drizzle I decided to skip it in the interest of processing time and disk space.  

Stars here are LRGB.  Ha was put through continuum subtraction and then added to the R channel in the RGB master while in linear state, but following SPCC color calibration.  The continuum subtracted Ha was also added to the Luminance channel.  

It would have been possible to push the Ha harder and fill the upper left with red glow.  But what you see is how the Ha field appeared without intervention and I liked the negative space from a compositional standpoint.  That one almost black background area gives us a better idea how bright the rest of the Ha is.  Knowing the main dust lane trailed off to the right of the Cocoon, I set the rotation to have that move across the image and down slightly.  But when I saw the nice dust cloud in the upper right I rotated the image a bit more to put the main cloud on the diagonal.  I wanted to leave the Cocoon on the 1/3 corner to draw the viewer's eye first.



    The Cocoon | Exploring the Dust and Ha Emission Surrounding an Old Favorite, Kevin Morefield
    The Cocoon | Exploring the Dust and Ha Emission Surrounding an Old Favorite, Kevin Morefield
    The Cocoon | Exploring the Dust and Ha Emission Surrounding an Old Favorite, Kevin Morefield
  • Final
    The Cocoon | Exploring the Dust and Ha Emission Surrounding an Old Favorite, Kevin Morefield


The Cocoon | Exploring the Dust and Ha Emission Surrounding an Old Favorite, Kevin Morefield