Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  Checkmark Nebula  ·  Eagle Nebula  ·  HD167140  ·  HD167142  ·  HD167165  ·  HD167166  ·  HD167221  ·  HD167245  ·  HD167246  ·  HD167281  ·  HD167283  ·  HD167284  ·  HD167312  ·  HD167313  ·  HD167331  ·  HD167332  ·  HD167333  ·  HD167334  ·  HD167335  ·  HD167354  ·  HD167372  ·  HD167395  ·  HD167396  ·  HD167397  ·  HD167409  ·  HD167431  ·  HD167432  ·  HD167451  ·  HD167452  ·  HD167474  ·  And 186 more.
The Eagle and Swan (M16 & 17) Askar 400 SHO, Brandon Tackett
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The Eagle and Swan (M16 & 17) Askar 400 SHO

Revision title: Additional Ha and O3 Data (I forgot about)

The Eagle and Swan (M16 & 17) Askar 400 SHO, Brandon Tackett
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The Eagle and Swan (M16 & 17) Askar 400 SHO

Revision title: Additional Ha and O3 Data (I forgot about)



Acquisition details



I finally got around to editing this data from June. I spent two nights collecting data as the Milk Way Core was setting for an SHO combinations of these two formations. The second night had major cloud issues with the O3 layers and the first night I failed to realize that the O3 data collection was horribly out of focus. I ended up using only the best 20 subs of O3, not an ideal situation. Insult onto injury, my O3 layer shifted for those 20 subs and had to crop the bottom right corner that was originally in frame. The results are what they are, but fun to see this pairing. 

I was going through all my data and realized I had an additional night of Ha and O3 on the ASI Air hard drive, not the micro SD, that I I forgotten about. The additional data really provide better O3 signal and had the full frame with IC 4701 contained. Definitely an unexpected bonus which lead to me to complete a full redo edit. 

M16 is an open cluster  within the larger H-2region of IC 4703 in the constellation Serpens located 5.7K light years from earth. The  iconic pillars of creation go without saying much after the famous Hubble images.

M17,  Swan nebula, named for its visual observation, is a H2 region 5 to 6K light years from earth. The nebula spans 15 light years in diameter. Per Wikipedia it is one of the most massive star forming regions in our galaxy alongside the Orion Nebula.



  • The Eagle and Swan (M16 & 17) Askar 400 SHO, Brandon Tackett
  • Final
    The Eagle and Swan (M16 & 17) Askar 400 SHO, Brandon Tackett
  • The Eagle and Swan (M16 & 17) Askar 400 SHO, Brandon Tackett


Title: Additional Ha and O3 Data (I forgot about)

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Title: Additional Ha and O3 Data ( I forgot about)

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Sky plot

Sky plot


The Eagle and Swan (M16 & 17) Askar 400 SHO, Brandon Tackett