Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Aries (Ari)  ·  Contains:  11.77  ·  337 Devosa  ·  B1  ·  B2  ·  B202  ·  B203  ·  B204  ·  B205  ·  B206  ·  HD20671  ·  HD20812  ·  HD20844  ·  HD20873  ·  HD21062  ·  HD21110  ·  HD21229  ·  HD21242  ·  HD21483  ·  HD21820  ·  HD21834  ·  HD21864  ·  HD22124  ·  HD22195  ·  HD22292  ·  HD22317  ·  HD22360  ·  HD22418  ·  HD278561  ·  HD278607  ·  HD278608  ·  And 28 more.
Region Surrounding NGC 1333, Adam Block
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Region Surrounding NGC 1333, Adam Block
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Acquisition details



Recently I am getting specific requests to process different kinds of objects. This is the "dusty nebulae" example I processed over the past few days.
This is the region surrounding NGC 1333.
People asked me, in my showcasing of the Pleiades, "how did I do it?"  "I never knew there was Red there... " etc. This image of NGC 1333 used the same basic steps to bring up the dust. It is my latest workflow demonstration (in Fundamentals) that shows the latest features of WBPP and techniques for this kind of image processing.



Sky plot

Sky plot


Region Surrounding NGC 1333, Adam Block