Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Vulpecula (Vul)  ·  Contains:  Dumbbell Nebula  ·  HD189733  ·  HD345444  ·  HD345445  ·  HD345446  ·  HD345447  ·  HD345448  ·  HD345449  ·  HD345450  ·  HD345451  ·  HD345452  ·  HD345461  ·  HD345463  ·  HD345465  ·  HD345469  ·  HD345470  ·  M 27  ·  NGC 6853  ·  PK060-03.1
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Messier 27 - A Reprocess of My Dumbbell Nebula Data in SHO - (10.25 Hours), Cosgrove's Cosmos (Patrick Cosgrove)
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Messier 27 - A Reprocess of My Dumbbell Nebula Data in SHO - (10.25 Hours)

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Messier 27 - A Reprocess of My Dumbbell Nebula Data in SHO - (10.25 Hours), Cosgrove's Cosmos (Patrick Cosgrove)
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Messier 27 - A Reprocess of My Dumbbell Nebula Data in SHO - (10.25 Hours)



Acquisition details



NEWS FLASH - This image was just published as NASA's APOD for May 30th, 2023!
More News:
  • BBC Sky At Night Magazine chose this image as their Image of the Month for August 2023!
  • Sky & Telescope Magazine Published this image in their September 2023 Issue!

The previous version of this image was published in:
  • Astronomy Magazine May 2023 issue
  • Amateur Astrophotographer Magazine -  Issue #111

So this data set has been my very first Grand Slam - published in all outlets I submit to!

This is a reprocess of data I collected a year and a half ago.  Normally, I would post this as a new version of the image on the old entry.  However, I decided to post this as a new project for several reasons. 

As I processed this image, I shared the old and new versions on Twitter and Facebook.  I received a lot of feedback on this.  Everyone seemed to like both versions, but one group liked the original better, and another larger group liked the new version better.

The nice thing about this is that I don't have to choose - I can keep both versions in my collection, and I  have.

Each post documents the processing approach taken for each version of the image. 

The original version can be seen here:

And the new version can be seen here:

While I was happy with the first version - and more than pleased that it has been published in Astronomy Magazine and in Amateur Astrophotography Magazine - I always felt that the stars looked a little bloated and unsharp. I wondered if I could get a better definition of the fantastic shroud area that narrowband reveals. 

So after a year and a half of more experience under my belt, and with some new tools and techniques that I did not have before, I took another pass at it. 

Is perfect?  No.   Will everyone like this version better?  No. 

But I feel that I met my goal of controlling the stars and getting better definition on the shroud area. 



Sky plot

Sky plot


Messier 27 - A Reprocess of My Dumbbell Nebula Data in SHO - (10.25 Hours), Cosgrove's Cosmos (Patrick Cosgrove)