Orion Nebula, Josh Putnam

Orion Nebula

Orion Nebula, Josh Putnam

Orion Nebula



Acquisition details



A new one for me, the Orion Nebula! When I got my Dob last year, I knew this would be one that I would want to photograph. It is big, bright, and colorful. As a result it is an easier target for someone like me who is operating outside of what my focus normally is (planetary astrophotography, with equipment optimized for PA). This is a simple 10 second exposure. The tracking on my Dob is capable of an accurate track without trailing for up to 30 seconds, but I found it difficult to get the exposure settings right, and it was not necessary for my purposes. From initial setup to full takedown my entire session was only about 2 hours, and that included time to learn a bit about my new Electronic Automatic Focuser.

A simple goal, and a fun success. Tonight was a good night.



Orion Nebula, Josh Putnam