Contains:  Other

Small Body - Minor Planet - 914 Palisana

Small Body - Minor Planet - 914 Palisana


In lack of observation time, because it is raining cats and dogs for months now (grrrrrr),
I took some of my old data to reprocess them and I was looking for some extra findings.
In the capture of M27 I found on Aug 18 a minor body. First it was hard to identify it, but
finally I got him. It was 2019-NB6. It is 914 Palisana, with 11 mag.  I have to apologize, the
plate-solving was wrong and now PI identified this one correctly as 914 Palisana, 80 km
in diameter, 2 au from earth.

It was an animation of 70 subs (including night 2 130 subs).

A video how I identified it with PI and some websites can be watched here:

Wish you CS



Small Body - Minor Planet - 914 Palisana, Thomas Groh