These are the users that follow Jean-François mutually.
UserImagesFollowersFollowing 207310279
Adry Adriano 156168107
Magnusedback Magnus Edbäck 184027
misterying Stephane Jung 40414406
yeb Yann-Eric BOYEAU 64176201
RayCaro Ray Caro 261271574
YAF Yves-André 893962 Alfredo Vargas 10471114
Philae94 Marie 68153228
MarkSansom Mark Sansom 256268479
emarko Marko Emeršič 165189413
idsteph Ian Stephenson 1986193
Sergei_Sankov Sergei Sankov 380263509
eshy76 Eshan Toorabally 787596
Ruy Ruy G. Coelho 115870
battleriverobservatory Matthew Proulx 224385447
lopescosmos Lopes Maicon 562011226
Jameslechleiter James Lechleiter 171818
balasia Almos Balasi 403775791