These are the users that follow Alfred Leitgeb mutually.
Pistachio_Enjoyer Pistachio_Enjoyer 2287273
MichelangeloRosso Michelangelo Rosso 421830
Baro2n Scott Johnstone 667365
Tlg13 Tlg13 2311576
tboyd1802 Tom Boyd 5274107
lviatour Luc Viatour 129729
Dougfontana Douglas Fontana 11144158
treynard1414 treynard1414 366
dogaard Don Ogaard 443535
mhoward Martin Howard 253439
chrislamb Chris Lamb 20411
osc_neon-palette OSC Neon Palette 1671110
lkh0460 Kyunghoon Lim 38130114
marianobritogomez marianobritogomez 8197306
Jeremy_Phillips Jeremy Phillips FRAS 50133139
heavymetaller Bill Lorence 5879123
pauskas Felipe del Alamo 181723
JanHeremans JanHeremans 27201246
kdzuin Konstantin Dzuin 131216
TerryStice Terry Stice 55952
deepaksks Deepak Sureshkumar 44360528
hornjs Jeff Horn 10913892
Dreamdiver_X Dreamdiver_X 586651
hwasenegger Heinrich Wasenegger 97174166
North_Jersey North_Jersey 141314
WhooptieDo Brian Puhl 51488697
Charly Karl Böckl 76189211
ognvet Obdulio Garcia-Nicolas 2578122
steller steller 454770
SpaceBars Bars Károlyi 2486434
Andrea-Gagliardi Andrea-Gagliardi 07391
neptune2015 F. Londe 58422452
PedroVdo Pedro Jose Garcia 128179
alefernandez Alexandre Fernandez 43100171 Christian Singer 126166
Alex_Alemany Alex Alemany 4211297 Jaroslav Salva 145144139
cmuellner Christoph Müllner 71720
Denn-ErIsst Denn-ErIsst 4013232
Soothsayerman Soothsayerman 1725
tly001 Tian Tian 32191408
JohnHen JohnHen 23381273
aidasky AidaSky 74263277
Telesto26 Kalai K 238186
Tayler56554 andrew 1621
thorox Thomas Rox 90178523
Dirk_Langermeier Dirk Langermeier 173462
afjk Arny 139127585
dverbossche David Verbossche 6622
kk-astrophoto KN_Photography 1065224
deydalus Holger Ruf 9935
Ludo_Bodenes Ludo_Bodenes 102335
travcunn Travis Cunningham 34141471
FriskoFlash Samuel Kohler 30111128
Dobbee86 Tobias Lamb 46632
jenios Eugenio Medda 17101126
DocHawk52 DocHawk52 523106
TKubach Timo Kubach 46432750
scotthall Scott Hall 16107377
Flixography Felix Mahncke 17129143