These are the users that follow Pieter mutually.
bilgebay Sedat Bilgebay 200379573
vi100 vi100 5711877
CsMisi Csere Mihaly 125109138
gmrphotographer Giuseppe Petricca 1203301084
Magellen Fritz 49016591101
FrancoisT Francois Theriault 222362873
gianluc1 Gianluca Belgrado 101280914461
HBNorm Norman Tajudin 1615111630
astroeyes astroeyes 291117235
teoplasm Theodore Kavourinos 085129
zYgoat Wesley Joseph 44123190
coper Robert Koprowski (coper) 64219372
ollie ollie 1128328
Patassini Emanuele Patassini 10179528
Deep_Sky Daniel Nobre 25715043520