These are the users that follow Robert Shepherd mutually.
LorenzoSiciliano Lorenzo Siciliano 2201358544
DavidWills David Wills (PixelSkiesAstro) 255326609
Space-Plunger Paul Schuberth 13025375
BorisE Boris Emchenko 38233236
RRBBarbosa Ruben Barbosa 21515371722
Fredd Fredd 8019820
rippleman Matthew Russell 89183157
AnthonyQ Anthony Quintile 89509647
sunlover Vitali 134521349
DarkStar Ruediger 1709941096
sagrada737 Michael Sherick 163232190
Reg_00 Reg Pratt 102363107
mastermerlin mastermerlin 55158143
NeilCorke Neil Corke 3611156
giannifardelli Gianni Fardelli 258479
Ole Matthias Olhoeft (Ole) 1876106
tengwall Tom Engwall 445973