These are the users that follow David Dearden mutually.
Stefano_Minelli Stefano Minelli 30116252
Deep_Sky Daniel Nobre 25715023520
Don Don Walters 784723
NightSkyImager Edward Overstreet 22014077
hbastro Dave Erickson 219748161
jmacon Jerry Macon 400779642
RandalHealey Randal Healey 193192433
gwnelson1962 Greg Nelson 276148212
VicV Victor Van Puyenbroeck 170427199
Carlesa25 Carles Zerbst 276332192
GaryI Gary Imm 25551448233
Eteocles Dan 31100187
lapinilla Guillermo Gonzalez 1595381024
Skywalker83 Aldo Rocco Vitale 2293311386
GalloniGianluca Gianluca Galloni 71338149
zishor Frank Schmitz 172493346
Big_Dipper Big_Dipper 7313441403
udeuterm Uwe Deutermann 365641227
Jir11 Jirair Afarian 519174157
MikeF29 Michael Feigenbaum 305823747
hydrofluoric hydrofluoric 88728265
cmoscharlie cmoscharlie 014
Cuetolinares JACL-Mono-Hα 21175310
Brorfederico Bror Federico Cederström 304791508
Bella123 Shawn Killian 0166147