These are the users that follow Michael Halliday mutually.
Footbag Adam Jaffe 91421259
Gottfried Gottfried Meissner 259474542
LexPics Alexander Voigt 229293160
sixburg Deep Sky West (Lloyd) 29311152341
atlas ATLAS OBSERVATORY Greece 0108260
dvalid David Dvali 116693517
patrickgilliland Paddy Gilliland 19014281196
Drew_Patterson Drew_Patterson 01010
CoFF CoFF 92555666
Halley Halley 113229
darkstar3d darkstar3d 2949216
Deep_Sky Daniel Nobre 25715023520
jmacon Jerry Macon 400778642
netspoon Ben 73139135
JohnnyBellisario John Michael Bellisario 42189402