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TOI-1853b Exoplanet Transit (05/16/2024), John J. DeAlessio III

TOI-1853b Exoplanet Transit (05/16/2024)

TOI-1853b Exoplanet Transit (05/16/2024), John J. DeAlessio III

TOI-1853b Exoplanet Transit (05/16/2024)


Today I managed to image and record my first ever exoplanet transit using Telescope 5 (T5) from iTelescope's remote observatory in Utah, USA. Even though I only managed to image part of the transit (as you can see from my light curve result when processing the fits files in NASA's EXOTIC transit program), I'm still surprised that I was successful on my first attempt on a target that, according to the AAVSO's Exoplanet Database, I am the first person to submit an observation of the exoplanet, which is TOI-1853b.

You can find that submitted observation (and download all data associated with it) here. The transit finder website was very helpful in planning out my session, and here's the exact transit I managed to partially observe. The transit depth was also very low (only 1.8 parts-per-thousand/ppt), meaning the light curve generated was only a very small dip, but still big enough to be noticeable as a detected exoplanet transit. Overall, I'm glad with how my first exoplanet observation and data processing results came out, since I wasn't sure if I was going to get any usable data at all, and I'm looking forward to hopefully using that T5 remote telescope again in mid-June 2024 to try and observe 2 more exoplanet transits (TIC 257060897 b and TOI-1266b).

I'll be posting some of the images and light curve result from this transit and any future ones I observe on my dedicated astronomy YouTube channel, so if you're interesting in seeing those results, go check it out here!

=== TOI-1853b Information (From NASA's Eyes on Exoplanets) ===

"TOI-1853 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a K-type star. Its mass is 0.23031 Jupiters, it takes 1.2 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0213 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2023".



TOI-1853b Exoplanet Transit (05/16/2024), John J. DeAlessio III

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