Messier 13, Rahul Zota

Messier 13

Messier 13, Rahul Zota

Messier 13



Acquisition details



My favorite Messier object ever since I was a kid. While scanning the summer skies, 25 years ago, using my 20x50 binocs (gifted by my father), I stumbled upon this cluster. It was very difficult to get the object's name with lack of internet and other resources in my city back in 1999. But after a few years in 2004 I got its name in a local science magazine. It was my dream to get a detailed picture of this beautiful object ever since I began astrophotography in 2011 which finally came true after purchasing my new mount (EQ6-R Pro) which handled my 150/750 Newtonian very well !!



Messier 13, Rahul Zota