New version of Python script to generate target acquisition.csv file from image files in a format suitable for upload using AstroBin's upload csv dialogue [Deep Sky] Acquisition techniques · Steve Greaves · ... · 1 · 150 · 3

AstroBadger 6.02

I have release an expanded and updated version of the script I released in November last year. The main focus of the original script was to ease the upload of acquisition data to Astrobin when you have many nights of imaging to report. This version extends that capability.

As before the user runs the script from the command line, where all relevant image directories are passed to the script . The script then uses the  FITS header file information along with externally retrieved data to generate the required data in the correct format. It then produces a acquisition.csv file from this data. The contents of this file can be cut and pasted into the AstroBin's upload csv dialogue. It also produces a summary.txt file that details the target observation information. 

The main focus of the changes in this release is to improve the collection and reporting of observation session information. The session summary information seemed well received so I have expanded that capability. 
Key features include:
  • The ability to pass multiple directories via the command line: Multiple directories can be passed to the script via the command line. All images results contained within the directories will be accumulated as part of the target.
  • Structured and unstructured directories: Image files, including calibration files, can be collected into a single directory, the root directory. The root directory structure can be flat or contain sub-directories.
  • Symbolic links to directories: Symbolic links can be used within the root directory or passed directly via the command line, this is useful when reusing calibration directories. The first directory passed should be the root directory.
  • MASTER calibration files: If MASTER calibration files are found, these will be used. If the non-MASTER versions of the MASTER files are also found, the non-MASTER versions will be ignored.Only MASTER files that can be matched with LIGHT file are processed.
  • Processing of PixInsight's Weighted Batch Pre-processing (WBPP) output: When the target is a WBPP directory the script will use the calibrated LIGHT frames as well as any MASTER calibration files found in the directory.
  • Multiple panel mosaic imaging sessions: Mosaic imaging sessions are detected from the OBJECT entry in the FITS headers. LIGHT frames are processed on a per-panel basis, whilst calibration data is processed per target.
  • Multiple site support: Multi-site collaborative target acquisition or remote observatory image capture is supported. Site location data is reverse-geocoded from HEADER location data. Data from multiple sites is reported with summary outputs that correctly identify the site contribution, for instance equipment, LIGHT, and calibration data. All data is, however, aggregated in the AstroBin.csv file for the image target.
  • Support for multiple file formats: Extracts headers for all FITS/FIT/FTS/XISF files in specified directories. Directories can have a mix of files.
  • Accepts files generated by N.I.N.A, SGPro and PixInsight
  • Sky Quality Retrieval: Recovers SQM and Bortle scale classification based on the observation location coordinates.
  • Auxiliary Parameter Calculation: Calculates additional parameters like Image Scale (IMSCALE), and Full-width Half Maximum (FWHM) from measured/estimated HFR values for each image.
  • AstroBin Compatibility: Formats aggregated data for upload to AstroBin's import CSV file dialogue.
  • Target summary: Creates a detailed summary text file for a target acquisition session. Caters for single or multi-site data as well as single or mosaic imaging data.
  • Logging and debugging file output: Creates a detailed .log file as well as data dumps to .csv file if required

  • The changes in this release are quite extensive,  so please consult the readme file before running.

    Many thanks to @Ken Bates for his detailed testing of the script and his many useful comments.

    An example run output is given below. 

    I hope you find it a useful tool.


    The scripts can be found here:

    The release bundle can be found here:

    Example Session Summary Output. Single site, 2-panel mosaic, WBPP directory

    Summary.txt ouput
    acquisition.csv output
AstroBadger 6.02
·  1 like
New release of this script that contains bug fixes can be found here:

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