Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Vulpecula (Vul)  ·  Contains:  14 Vul  ·  Dumbbell Nebula  ·  HD189733  ·  M 27  ·  NGC 6853  ·  PK060-03.1  ·  The star 14 Vul
M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula (2023), Mark Germani
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M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula (2023)

Revision title: Reprocess

M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula (2023), Mark Germani
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M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula (2023)

Revision title: Reprocess



Acquisition details



There aren't many PNs big enough for my FOV, but M27 is so bright and detailed, it's a treat to image! The last time I imaged M27 was in 2021 with an Astronomik CLS filter and 2 hours integration time. I knew it was worth revisiting, but it wasn't until 2023 that I had a chance to return to it.

My goal this year was to capture the fainter outer regions of the PN, and add RGB stars. There's not much detail in those fainter areas with 6 hours integration, but they're there! I tried stacking my old and new data together, but the result was much lower quality than if I only included my guided L-Pro subs. It's not as showy as the RASC M27 I posted just prior to this, but it's all my own data and I think I did what I set out to do so I'm happy

Thanks for checking it out, and CS to you all!

REPROCESS, JAN 2024: I've never been happy with the graininess of the fainter extensions, and the stars always seemed oversaturated, so I did a complete reprocess. Wow, what a difference - particularly with the stars! Much happier now.



  • M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula (2023), Mark Germani
  • Final
    M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula (2023), Mark Germani


Title: Reprocess

Description: I wanted to reduce the noise in the fainter extensions, and the stars were oversaturated and poorly stretched/re-screened, so I did a complete reprocess.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


M27 "Dumbbell" Planetary Nebula (2023), Mark Germani