Contains:  Extremely wide field
First Canon 100D pic. Just the Camera, TrevRutledge

First Canon 100D pic. Just the Camera

First Canon 100D pic. Just the Camera, TrevRutledge

First Canon 100D pic. Just the Camera



Acquisition details



This pic was taken on my first night of astrophotography. I can't remember settings, only that it was a 5 second exposure. I believe I had the ISO too high. With the naked eye, I could only see around 10-20 stars in this field of view. I used a Canon 18-55mm III kit lens. I have bad light pollution. I edited on Irfan by taking some of the red out and took the brightness down slightly. Theres also 2 planes on this pic and The Seven Sisters and Taurus are at the bottom of pic



First Canon 100D pic. Just the Camera, TrevRutledge