Contains:  Gear
First Light for the 102GT, griz11

First Light for the 102GT


Wasn't much of a night for AP. The clouds were moving through sometimes thin and high sometimes low and puffy. Couldn't get the autoguider to calibrate it was so bad. Looked good at first but by the time I had it all balanced and worked through a few issues it was totally clouded up. It sure does gather a lot more light. Exposures are a lot shorter for the same signal. Its a 5 element same as my EF400 so that will be an interesting comparison 77mm camera lens vs 102mm apo. 1.7x the objective area so it should win easily. The weather curse for buying ap equipment is real. Since I started building this rig I've gotten out about 10 times in 7 months. Looks like the end of the month for this one to see starlight again. Then it will be hot. Oh well its all bought now so once the curse wears off I should be good to go




First Light for the 102GT, griz11