Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Pictor (Pic)  ·  Contains:  Part of the constellation Carina (Car)  ·  Part of the constellation Columba (Col)  ·  Part of the constellation Puppis (Pup)  ·  Phaet (α Col)  ·  Suhel (α Car)  ·  The constellation Caelum (Cae)  ·  The constellation Dorado (Dor)  ·  The constellation Mensa (Men)  ·  The constellation Pictor (Pic)  ·  The constellation Volans (Vol)  ·  The star Avior (ε Car)  ·  The star Canopus  ·  The star Phact  ·  The star Wazn  ·  The star α Dor  ·  The star α Pic  ·  The star β Dor  ·  The star β Vol  ·  The star ν Pup  ·  The star τ Pup  ·  Wezn (β Col)
LMC, Airplane, and Lightning, Paul Porto
LMC, Airplane, and Lightning
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LMC, Airplane, and Lightning

LMC, Airplane, and Lightning, Paul Porto
LMC, Airplane, and Lightning
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LMC, Airplane, and Lightning



Acquisition details



This is an old photo from summer of 2005, taken outside of Alice Springs, Australia. I remember wild camels in the distance and wondering if there was a chance they would trample me and my equipment in the middle of the night, and if that would be a first in world history.  I was using a Canon G3, piggy-backed on my LX 200.  I was imaging the Large Magellanic Cloud when I captured lightning from a distant storm and the lights from a plane inbound to Alice Springs airport.  

Around September '05, I emailed this image to the Southern Edition of Sky and Telescope magazine, though I did not have a subscription (was still receiving the North American magazine). I asked them to just please let me know if they decided to publish it, but I never heard back from them.  At Christmas, I was vacationing in Perth when I stopped into a local book store.  I picked up the (December '05?) edition of Sky and Telescope, flipped to the back, and saw by image there!  That felt very surreal, and, of course, I bought a couple of copies of the magazine.  I breathlessly told the checkout clerk that my image was in the magazine, and he was completely unimpressed.  Somehow, I lost both copies of the magazine a few years ago



  • LMC, Airplane, and Lightning, Paul Porto
  • Final
    LMC, Airplane, and Lightning, Paul Porto


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LMC, Airplane, and Lightning, Paul Porto

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