Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  0.21  ·  1 b Sco  ·  10 ome02 Sco  ·  10.59  ·  1036 Ganymed  ·  11 Sco  ·  11.29  ·  1107 Lictoria  ·  12 c01 Sco  ·  12.19  ·  13 c02 Sco  ·  13.28  ·  13.57  ·  13.95  ·  14 nu. Sco  ·  14.09  ·  15.01  ·  17 chi Sco  ·  18 Oph  ·  19 omi Sco  ·  2 A Sco  ·  20 sig Sco  ·  21 alf Sco  ·  22 i Sco  ·  23 tau Sco  ·  24 Oph  ·  24 Sco  ·  25 Sco  ·  26 Oph  ·  26 eps Sco  ·  And 167 more.
Dust and Gas in Upper Scorpius, Wei-Hao Wang
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Dust and Gas in Upper Scorpius

Dust and Gas in Upper Scorpius, Wei-Hao Wang
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Dust and Gas in Upper Scorpius



Acquisition details



Four frame mosaic taken with Nikon 85/1.8G at F3.5. Each frame contains a total of 1 hr of exposure. The four frames have large overlap, so the FOV is much smaller than 4x the FOV of a single frame.
