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New Mexico First Light, John Favalessa

New Mexico First Light

New Mexico First Light, John Favalessa

New Mexico First Light


My wife and I traveled to New Mexico, for the first time, to chase dark skies around the recent new moon as it would be rainy and cloudy at home for the week. Unfortunately, we hit a rainy night in Arizona and then cloudy in NM next 2 nights. Then 200 miles of dust windy in the southwest in spring. Carlsbad Caverns was tremendous, actually as unbelievable as the night skies. Then up to White Sands, it was like being on the moon. Had to stop at Roswell for the museum. The first 3 exhibits with all the freedom of information act documents was compelling. Then up to Santa Fe which is a wonderful city. We boondocked 20 miles away where I took this picture with my new iPhone, 3 second exposure. You can see by then the moon was at 25% and cloudy. I did a couple of nights of data...I'll get to it shortly. New Mexico is a fantastic place for astrophotography as mostly dark skies, 5,000' to 8,500' for the entire state and no moisture! great seeing when the wind stops.

In the picture you can see Orion, my new CEM70G, with great cable management.
