Pencil Nebula (Processing Competition), Peter Boreland

Pencil Nebula (Processing Competition)

Pencil Nebula (Processing Competition), Peter Boreland

Pencil Nebula (Processing Competition)



Acquisition details



Image Acquisition by Greg Turgeon (process contest) -

Telescope: Planewave 17” CDK

Camera: FLI ML16803

Filters: Chroma LRGBSHO 8nm

Mount: 10 Micron GM3000

Location: DSW, Chile

Image Specs:

L: 24x600"

Ha: 22x1800"

R: 24x300"

G: 24x300"

OIII: 17x1800"

B: 23x300"

Thank you Greg for this opportunity to process this data. My approach was to remove the stars from the HOO data and work on the nebula regions, then add RGB stars and luminance. I opted to de-emphasize the background nebulosity and stars to make the pencil nebula the star of the show. The greatest challenge for me was bring out the details in the Oiii and Ha data that was specific to the nebula.



Pencil Nebula (Processing Competition), Peter Boreland