Contains:  Solar system body or event
Venus IR 1000 nm - no good... anyway. 2015 08 05, Almir Germano

Venus IR 1000 nm - no good... anyway. 2015 08 05

Venus IR 1000 nm - no good... anyway. 2015 08 05, Almir Germano

Venus IR 1000 nm - no good... anyway. 2015 08 05



Acquisition details



Ugly collage of Venus.


Trying to reproduce my last year images of the thermal radiation from surface features.

Venus is very low in my horizon, very close to the Sun, on the way to inferior conjunction, so, background glare.

SCT11", with an aperture mask, to avoid damage from the Sun - not recommended to the faint of heart...

ASI224MC - hopping its NIR capabilities could work on this. Nope... 6000 frames, using only 1200.

The "S" shape is most probably noise, no clear correspondence with the predicted WinJupos simulation (on 2). No clear planet border either, so just to appease my frustration... sigh...



Venus IR 1000 nm - no good... anyway. 2015 08 05, Almir Germano