Orion and Barnard's Loop, erdmanpe

Orion and Barnard's Loop

Orion and Barnard's Loop, erdmanpe

Orion and Barnard's Loop



Acquisition details



The wonderful region around Orion's belt stars. Experimenting with a Pentax medium format lens to attempt a wide enough field of view in a single frame to cover this area without resorting to a mosaic. I have found that the lens used wide open (f/2.4) has star distortions in the corners, so this was taken stopped down to f/4. Subframe exposure lengths were limited to 600sec in an attempt to avoid too much saturation in M42, but still allow some signal in the weaker nebula. Log-log stretch in Maxim, trying to encompass the enormous dynamic range in this region.



Orion and Barnard's Loop, erdmanpe