Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  El Nath (βTau)  ·  Great Nebula in Orion  ·  IC 2118  ·  IC 353  ·  IC 360  ·  M 42  ·  NGC 1976  ·  Part of the constellation Auriga (Aur)  ·  Part of the constellation Eridanus (Eri)  ·  Part of the constellation Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Part of the constellation Taurus (Tau)  ·  The constellation Canis Minor (CMi)  ·  The constellation Gemini (Gem)  ·  The constellation Orion (Ori)  ·  The star Aldebaran (αTau)  ·  The star Alhena (γGem)  ·  The star Alnilam (εOri)  ·  The star Bellatrix (γOri)  ·  The star Betelgeuse (αOri)  ·  The star Castor (αGem)  ·  The star Elnath  ·  The star Pollux (βGem)  ·  The star Procyon (αCMi)  ·  The star Rigel (βOri)  ·  Witch Head nebula
Winter Wide Angle Rokkinon 16mm @F4, bobzeq25
Winter Wide Angle Rokkinon 16mm @F4
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Winter Wide Angle Rokkinon 16mm @F4



Acquisition details



Not the best night, and my worst light pollution area, due south. Shot as far as I dared, to get all of Orion.

I think maybe the red nebula got wiped in my gradient reduction. I did get a bit of the Milky Way, to the left of Orion.

This needs a light pollution filter, although one to fit that lens would be $$$.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Winter Wide Angle Rokkinon 16mm @F4, bobzeq25