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M4 a Globular Cluster in Scorpius, RonAdams

M4 a Globular Cluster in Scorpius

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M4 a Globular Cluster in Scorpius, RonAdams

M4 a Globular Cluster in Scorpius



Acquisition details



This weather is frustrating. The sky looked clear so I hauled out my gear and began imaging

M14 in Opiuchus. When I got to the third image my images started looking a bright orange

color which usually means clouds. I could not see any clouds with my eyes but my camera

could. I shut down my imaging. The same exact thing happened last night. However I

kept on imaging. I got an image of M80 and M14 but the images were not very good due to

the thin misty clouds. Tonight I stopped imaging and went inside. At Midnight I went back out

and I could see Scorpius pretty good so I decided to image M4 a Globular Cluster since the last

time I imaged this object was a year ago. I like viewing M4 through an eyepiece because it

doesn't look like any other globular cluster. So with all of that said this is my first image of

M4 using my Orion ED80 Refractor. Please enjoy.



  • M4 a Globular Cluster in Scorpius, RonAdams
  • Final
    M4 a Globular Cluster in Scorpius, RonAdams


Description: I reprocessed my image trying add some color and to repair the slightly blown out core. I did add some color but very little. However I'm more pleased with the core and the overall appearance of the cluster. There are
more stars resolved and the core doesn't look as blown out.

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M4 a Globular Cluster in Scorpius, RonAdams