The Heart Nebula, Flavio Vitale

The Heart Nebula

The Heart Nebula, Flavio Vitale

The Heart Nebula



Acquisition details



The Heart Nebula, also known as IC 1805, is a large emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia.
It is located approximately 7.500 light-years from Earth.
The brightest portion of the nebula is called NGC 896, but we also have Melotte 15, the core of this nebula, and the Fish Head Nebula. This Nebula is also made up of ionised oxygen and sulfur gasses.

After almost 1.5 years without taking a single photo, I dusted off my telescope and I tried to see if everything was alright, I then pointed my telescope to the Heart Nebula just for checking if the motors of the mount were working correctly.
I suddently saw a lot of potential in my camera that I bought almost 1 year ago and I never used.
I decided to let the telescope run for 3 hours and when I saw the results of the HA channel I was amazed, so I also took the OIII channel the day after, ending up with a total integration time of 6 hrs, under a 50% illuminated moon and with a bit of fog. This is how quicky I fell in love again with astrophotography in a bortle 9, white zone.



The Heart Nebula, Flavio Vitale