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M101 LHaRGB - The Pinwheel Galaxy, andrea tasselli

M101 LHaRGB - The Pinwheel Galaxy

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M101 LHaRGB - The Pinwheel Galaxy, andrea tasselli

M101 LHaRGB - The Pinwheel Galaxy



Acquisition details



I had a rather big problem with imaging the Pinwheel; it wouldn't fit. No matter what I did it simply didn't fit (and if over 100 billion solar star masses have not enough gravitational pull to do that no surprise I couldn't either). So I had to chose which bit I needed to drop and I chose the one you don't see ;)

Started in earnest in 2005 (short, unguided). Not enough SNR. For all its vastness M101 is a LOT fainter than your average galaxy and thank you for GOTOs or I'll still be chasing it. 3 years later started to add serious exposure time (no skimping on this one) and to go the extra hog H-alpha as well. And here is the results. Next time I'll included the tentacle bits that I chopped off, I promise.
