Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Puppis (Pup)  ·  Contains:  HD67555  ·  HD67556  ·  HD67736  ·  HD67779  ·  HD67780  ·  HD67840  ·  HD67903  ·  HD67977  ·  HD68028  ·  HD68049  ·  HD68071  ·  HD68111  ·  HD68154  ·  HD68216  ·  HD68239  ·  HD68296  ·  HD68297  ·  HD68298  ·  HD68299  ·  HD68341  ·  HD68365  ·  HD68390  ·  HD68473  ·  HD68491  ·  HD68510  ·  HD68537  ·  HD68623  ·  HD68651  ·  HD68676  ·  HD68735  ·  And 45 more.
Gum 10 & CG30-31, vikas chander
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Gum 10 & CG30-31

Gum 10 & CG30-31, vikas chander
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Gum 10 & CG30-31



Acquisition details



An emission nebula which spans 36° dominates the southern skies, in the constellations of Vela and Puppis. It is believed to be the greatly expanded (and still expanding) remains of a supernova that took place about a million years ago. The Gum nebula, named after it’s discoverer, is an emission nebula and is rich in the red ionised hydrogen gases seen in this image. In this narrower 4° view of the Gum nebula, we can see Gum 10 along with cometary globules CG 30-31.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Gum 10 & CG30-31, vikas chander

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Southern Hemisphere Astro