Sh2-132, koko


Sh2-132, koko




Acquisition details



The Sh2-132 Lion Nebula is a weak emission nebula in the constellation Cepheus. 10,000 to 12,000 light-years from us and over 250 light-years in size,
The main components of this emission nebula are hydrogen and oxygen, which are excited to high-energy states by ultraviolet light from nearby stars and then re-emit the light signal. The dimmer regions are "dark nebulae," which are clouds of dust that block light.

This work is the longest shooting time since the jungler, and the total cumulative time has reached nearly 38 hours. Why did it take so long to shoot, because it is too dark, and the S channel can hardly see any nebula details without pulling a single shot. It is estimated that it is also due to the darkness, and fewer people have photographed this celestial object. It started in April and ended officially in August, during which there were countless waste films and countless nights.
   In fact, I didn't expect to complete this goal in early August. This month is the best golden time to shoot the Lion Nebula. It can be shot all night. Students who want to shoot can try it.



Sh2-132, koko

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