Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  44 Cas  ·  HD10196  ·  HD10223  ·  HD10260  ·  HD10332  ·  HD10362  ·  HD10375  ·  HD10474  ·  HD10485  ·  HD10494  ·  HD10542  ·  HD10664  ·  HD10756  ·  HD10842  ·  HD236783  ·  HD236789  ·  HD236810  ·  HD236815  ·  HD236859  ·  HD236871  ·  HD9136  ·  HD9145  ·  HD9146  ·  HD9154  ·  HD9167  ·  HD9256  ·  HD9311  ·  HD9329  ·  HD9365  ·  HD9383  ·  And 26 more.
M103 and surrounding star clusters, Simon
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M103 and surrounding star clusters

M103 and surrounding star clusters, Simon
Powered byPixInsight

M103 and surrounding star clusters



Acquisition details



Another starfield from my home location. I used a modified Canon DSLR, and a 3" refractor, with 35 subs of 3.5 minutes in length each, at ISO 400. I took this with the moon at 97% illumination!


Sky plot

Sky plot


M103 and surrounding star clusters, Simon