Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  Bode's galaxy  ·  Bode's nebulae  ·  M 81  ·  NGC 3031
rockstarbill's M81 from Cloudy Nights, Richard Beck
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rockstarbill's M81 from Cloudy Nights

rockstarbill's M81 from Cloudy Nights, Richard Beck
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rockstarbill's M81 from Cloudy Nights



Acquisition details



This is my processing of the LRGB FITS data provided by rockstarbill (Bill Long) on Cloudy nights (M81 Bode's Nebula Processing Challenge).

Processing was with PixInsight only. The Lum was processed with ABE (degree 1), two passes of ArcSinh stretch, HDRMST and curves. The R, G and B were combined and processed with PhotometricColorCalibration followed by two passes of ArcSinh stretch before combining with the Lum. A series of curves was applied to the LRGB combination.


Sky plot

Sky plot


rockstarbill's M81 from Cloudy Nights, Richard Beck

In these collections

2. Other People's Data