M 13 Hercules Cluster, Michael Timm

M 13 Hercules Cluster

M 13 Hercules Cluster, Michael Timm

M 13 Hercules Cluster



Acquisition details



M 13 is my favourite cluster. Despite the fact that this image is none of my greatest ones, i learned really a lot about PixInsight and my equipment during post-processing. Lessons learned:

1) I am loosing a lot of dynamic range and full-well-capacity when imaging with gain 128. All of the stars and most of the cluster were burned out when i did an ordinary histogram stretch. Gain 0 is probably better for this kind of target, i will try next time.

2) Using of "Masked Stretch" is a way to prevent stars from burning out.

3) Deconvolution was a process i never used - until now. Stefan von Almen told me to use it, but i didn't do it because PI was too complex for me. Now that i am a bit familiar with it, i started experimenting with several processes and deconvolution helps a lot to sharpen things when you are oversampling - like i do. So Stefan was abolutely right. Thanks, man :-)



  • M 13 Hercules Cluster, Michael Timm
  • Final
    M 13 Hercules Cluster, Michael Timm


Description: Tried to correct colors.

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M 13 Hercules Cluster, Michael Timm