Andromeda Galaxy (RGB and Ha) - M31, M32 and M110, Vince Castello

Andromeda Galaxy (RGB and Ha) - M31, M32 and M110

Andromeda Galaxy (RGB and Ha) - M31, M32 and M110, Vince Castello

Andromeda Galaxy (RGB and Ha) - M31, M32 and M110



Acquisition details



The Andromeda galaxy (with catalog numbers M31 and NGC 224) is a barred spiral galaxy that is the largest member of the Local Group of galaxies.  It is approximately 2.5 million light years from Earth and is about 200,000 light years across.  It is located in the Andromeda constellation and covers about 3 degrees of the sky (about 6 full moon widths).   There are two companion galaxies in the image: M32, just above and left of the center, and M110, to the lower right of the center.  This image is a combination of RGB subimages and HaOII subimages.  The acquisition information is the cumulative number of exposures in each filter, collected over 4 days between 31 December 2023 and 11 January 2024.



Andromeda Galaxy (RGB and Ha) - M31, M32 and M110, Vince Castello

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