Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)
Top of the Soul, Ha, Stephen Garretson
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Top of the Soul, Ha

Top of the Soul, Ha, Stephen Garretson
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Top of the Soul, Ha



Acquisition details



This is the very top of IC 1848, the Soul Nebula, bordering the gap between it and the Heart Nebula. It continues my exploration of sections of popularly imaged targets, looking for interesting composition, and trying to draw attention to structures...in this FOV it's the collection of dark patches along the bottom extending up into the more central area. I don't know if these are voids in the molecular cloud or dense gas and dust, like a Bok Globule. Whatever they are scientifically, they create a great pattern. The bright star center-left is SAO 12438, a +6.51 mag yellow main sequence object.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Top of the Soul, Ha, Stephen Garretson