Soul Nebula - IC1848 in HOO Palette, AstroBdM

Soul Nebula - IC1848 in HOO Palette

Soul Nebula - IC1848 in HOO Palette, AstroBdM

Soul Nebula - IC1848 in HOO Palette



Acquisition details



Greetings StarGazers,

It finally happened. 2 consecutive clear nights...
I was able to take advantage of those  to test the newly optimised mount - and I wasn't disappointed at all - and get some rounder stars as my lens was slightly pinched. On that field, it's not perfect yet as 2 screws blew up as I tried to unscew them. It should be fixed soon.
So, i captured the Soul Nebula and processed it using Lukomatico techniques for the HOO palette with the Narrowband Normalization process.
As always, let me know what you think and what I can improve.

Clear skies to all of you and happy holidays.
