Contains:  Solar system body or event
August 14, 2021 - Solar Prominence, Awni Hafedh

August 14, 2021 - Solar Prominence



Acquisition details



August 14,15, 2021 - Solar Prominence We had some clear weather during that weekend and it happened that the Sun was showing some beautiful prominence on it's side and it was just getting bigger, I really needed that for a motivation to setup the solar scope outside and lucky me everything worked fine with minor troubleshooting. Even though it was a bit windy, the seeing were good and I was able to get some nice details during the time-lapse capture on both days. 

As usual my setup is:
Lunt60THa with custom auto focuser and pressure tuner telescope
Televue 2.5x barlow
ZWO ASI174MM Camera
iOptron CEM25P Mount

I ended capturing 204 videos on Saturday (from 1:12pm till 3:54pm) 2000 frames each with 30sec delay in between and 179 videos on Sunday (from 12:33pm till 3:09pm) 2000 frames each with 30sec delay in between, later I stacked best 14% in AS3 and the final time-lapse is playing at 20FPS, this time I've used PixInSight mainly for everything (Sharpening, Enhancement, darken the Sun's disk as well as adding color) and I must say I like it, I did use imPPG to align all the time-lapse subs which worked really well.
