Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  56 Cyg  ·  57 Cyg  ·  B349  ·  HD198896  ·  HD198931  ·  HD199178  ·  IC 5070  ·  LBN 338  ·  LBN 350  ·  LBN 353  ·  LBN 359  ·  LDN 933  ·  Pelican Nebula  ·  The star 56 Cyg  ·  The star 57 Cyg
IC 5070 The Pelican Nebula in HaLRGB, Capturing Ancient Photons
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IC 5070 The Pelican Nebula in HaLRGB

IC 5070 The Pelican Nebula in HaLRGB, Capturing Ancient Photons
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IC 5070 The Pelican Nebula in HaLRGB



Acquisition details



Data acquisition details:
  • Telescope: Dream Aerospace Systems 16" f/3.75 Astrograph
  • Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
  • Camera: FLI Proline 16803
  • Location: Pie Town, New Mexico USA (SkyPi Remote Observatory)
  • 55 x 600s LRGB and 28 x 600s Ha


Sky plot

Sky plot


IC 5070 The Pelican Nebula in HaLRGB, Capturing Ancient Photons