Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  IC 5134  ·  NGC 7129  ·  NGC 7142
NGC7129, IC5134, NGC7142, blastrophoto
NGC7129, IC5134, NGC7142
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NGC7129, IC5134, NGC7142

NGC7129, IC5134, NGC7142, blastrophoto
NGC7129, IC5134, NGC7142
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NGC7129, IC5134, NGC7142



Acquisition details



This has been a project waiting to be revealed to the public for a while now! My astro-buddy @itz_reg (Instagram) and I teamed up to find an incredibly dark nebulae and reveal it's beauty to the world. He searched far and wide for a new dark site that would give him the ability to really see the contrasting features in this one. I travelled 6 hours north to one of the darkest places on the east coast, Cherry Springs, PA. Its always a treat when I visit and it definitely didn't disappoint this time.

Doing a collab presented post-processing with its own unique challenges. I had to find a way to combine the two datasets, taken with different cameras, different telescopes, and different filters. After some crunching away in Pixinsight, I figured it out by using Pixelmath! I used my explore scientific ED127 for this project and he used TWO 8" Ritchey Chretien scopes. We were both interested to see how the diffraction spikes would average out. It seems to have tamed them and not completely removed them. Really cool. I personally think this might be one of the brightest images of NGC7129 I've ever seen.

I'm including the data he provided here as to not mess with my gear information for my profile. He shot his data from a Bortle 4 location. 

19x300s - Ha (1.58 hours)
1046x30s - Lum (8.7 hours)
259x30s - Blue (2.5 hours)
259x30s - Red (2.5 hours)
259x30s - Green (2.5 hours)


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC7129, IC5134, NGC7142, blastrophoto

In these public groups
