Contains:  Solar system body or event
Earth's Moon - Playing around with Autostakkert and Lucky Imaging, Watchmaker

Earth's Moon - Playing around with Autostakkert and Lucky Imaging

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Earth's Moon - Playing around with Autostakkert and Lucky Imaging, Watchmaker

Earth's Moon - Playing around with Autostakkert and Lucky Imaging

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



The Moon the morning of Sunday June 19th.    First time playing around with video mode, Autostakkert and Lucky Imaging.  This is better than anything I've been able to do single shot with my DSLR.  This image is derived from a 2.5 min video I took of the Moon. Autostakkert takes a video, analyzes each frame, then allows you to stack the top "X" percent of frames - goal is to produce a better image vs. single shot - AKA - better signal to noise, just like deep space image stacking.

I took the output from Autostakkert into Photoshop, cleaning up a bit of noise and applied a filter. 

You may see in the gear section I had an Optolong L-eXtreme filter in the scope - Not by design, I forgot to remove it.   I had been taking deep space images this day and went out at dawn to bring the equipment inside - Noticed the moon high in the sky and... What the heck...  Lets take a video of it...  this was shot @ 4:42AM eastern. 

Next time I'll be more cognizant of exposure - There are some blown highlights - This was just a test - I was just fooling around. 

Comments welcome.



Earth's Moon - Playing around with Autostakkert and Lucky Imaging, Watchmaker