Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  52 Cyg  ·  BW Vul  ·  HD197702  ·  HD197839  ·  HD198198  ·  HD198254  ·  HD198313  ·  HD198330  ·  HD198425  ·  HD198482  ·  HD198526  ·  HD198550  ·  HD198626  ·  HD198627  ·  HD198821  ·  HD198976  ·  HD199055  ·  HD199102  ·  HD199252  ·  HD199291  ·  HD199695  ·  HD199717  ·  HD199763  ·  HD199837  ·  HD199912  ·  HD200043  ·  HD335008  ·  HD335010  ·  HD335013  ·  HD335024  ·  And 205 more.
Cygnus Loop in HOO, Todd Stephens
Powered byPixInsight

Cygnus Loop in HOO

Cygnus Loop in HOO, Todd Stephens
Powered byPixInsight

Cygnus Loop in HOO



Acquisition details



The oft-imaged Cygnus Loop, shot with my full-spectrum mono Canon 60D, AT60ED w/ 0.8x reducer, and CEM40. I used 6-nm Astronimik clip-in filters for H-a and OIII, and followed up with my H-a modded Canon 600D for star colors.

This was shot as a 2-panel mosaic with 4 sessions going towards H-a, 2 sessions for OIII, and 2 more for RGB. 300-second subs for narrowband and 60s subs for broadband at ISO 800. Each data set was calibrated and stacked in APP, and then aligned and composed as HOO in APP. I tried this in PI as well, but the APP output was surprisingly clean compared to PI. The HOO and RGB versions were further processed in PI and finished in GIMP.

I might have overdone the color. C&C welcome and appreciated!


Sky plot

Sky plot


Cygnus Loop in HOO, Todd Stephens