Horsehead Nebula in SHO, Janne Kontkanen

Horsehead Nebula in SHO

Horsehead Nebula in SHO, Janne Kontkanen

Horsehead Nebula in SHO



Acquisition details



The Horsehead Nebula in SHO. About 6 hours of exposure in total. 2/3rds of the subs were captured from my patio in San Francisco (Bortle 7), whereas a 3rd was captured during a camping trip to Monterey sand dunes (Bortle 5-6). 

A cautionary tale against using a laptop screen as a flat panel:
I am within my first year of astrophotography and this is my first image that uses a ‘proper’ workflow with flats. Previously I had terrible trouble using flats. My flats in the narrowband looked like large concentric rings the size of the whole OTA — something way beyond vignetting. For the longest time, I thought something was wrong with my filters.

However, eventually I realized that the problem was my laptop screen that I was using as a flat panel. It turned out that my laptop has very uneven angular emission, especially on the narrowband frequencies and this caused my problem. This was something that even a white T-shirt between the screen and the scope wasn’t able to fix.

In this image the flats are shot against a white wall instead of the laptop screen. Problem solved



Horsehead Nebula in SHO, Janne Kontkanen